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One-stop chartered service platform. Focus on group social travel business, professionally provide intelligent fast online quotation and fast matching vehicle services for travel agencies, corporate users, expansion companies, conference companies, hotels, OTA platforms and other user groups, and provide users with trip safety monitoring during driving. , Service quality tracking, customer service online consultation and other rich functions, dedicated to making collective travel better.

At the beginning of the establishment of the company, the goal was to serve the "third space" of mankind. In order to solve the problem of chartered cars in the field of collective travel, relying on mobile Internet, big data and artificial intelligence technology, integrate and optimize the bus rental market, break the current status of information asymmetry between users and vehicle units, and realize seamless connection between users and vehicle units. Industry transparency online bus platform.

After years of development, the company has won a good reputation and is widely praised by people in the industry. The company has gradually become the preferred vehicle service provider for domestic large-scale events and business meetings, and continues to provide high-quality car services to all sectors of society. The service outlets located in major cities in mainland China work together to not only meet customers' car needs anytime and anywhere, but also solve problems and eliminate worries about customers' car use.