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1. The main repair team must carefully inspect all vehicles that have undergone auto repair services, check whether the repair items on the power of attorney are all completed, whether the disassembled parts are all installed and restored, and whether the vehicle working conditions are all up to the standard, and then handed over to the team leader for inspection after being qualified. .

2. The team leader carefully inspects the maintenance content of the vehicle, and if necessary, goes out for road test. If there is any quality problem, he will return the vehicle maintenance service to the main maintenance team for re-operation and inform the problem. The team leader should record the main repairer and the license plate number of the unqualified vehicle in order to improve the work.

3. After receiving the purchase order from the main repair team of the workshop, the accessories department will send the materials out of the warehouse according to the materials filled in the purchase order, and strictly abide by the outgoing regulations when leaving the warehouse; if there is no material in the warehouse, the head of the accessories department will place a purchase order for purchase.

4. When receiving materials, the major team pays attention to checking the quantity and quality of parts. When the verification is correct, sign on the corresponding column on the auto repair service order to confirm that they have picked up the materials and left the warehouse.

5. When the parts picked and discharged from the workshop are returned to the warehouse, they can be returned to the warehouse after inspection by the workshop supervisor. The parts department shall keep the returned parts and paste them to indicate the reason for the return.