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1. Look at the chassis of the car: lie down and look underground, there are no oil spots, and there is no oil on the chassis.

2. Pull out the oil dipstick to see the oil color: when you look at it, turn off the engine after three minutes, pull out the dipstick and wipe it with a paper towel to eliminate the black oil. .

3. Listen to the sound of the engine far away: This can only be done by feeling. The method of operation is to drive two cars, you stand in the middle position, the distance between the two cars is equal, you feel the loud noise is eliminated (it is obviously larger than other cars), you can turn around and listen again to prevent you from hearing in both ears Different illusions.

4. Listen carefully to the sound of the engine: It is better to be careful when picking such expensive things as the car. The more serious you are, the less the dealer dare to be sloppy. I have seen the owner who got a stethoscope to pick the car! A piece of towel, pressed on each side of the engine and listened for ten minutes! Here is a detailed explanation, so that you can hear whether there are noises inside the engine, such as ringing, cylinder knocking, valve beating, etc. A good engine has only one kind of ‘snoring, snoring’ and no other noises. However, this method depends on the accumulation of experience consciously carried out at ordinary times. It is not clear in one sentence or two sentences. In short, it is better to listen to more cars. When someone can help, ask him to step on the accelerator to increase the engine speed and listen to the sound. Then he asked him to use a piece of rag to block the exhaust port. If the engine sound becomes noticeably heavy and stalls in a few seconds, it is a good car, otherwise it is a leak.

5. Look at the appearance of the whole car. See if the gaps in the doors are equal. In addition, when looking at the appearance, pay attention to whether the glass is the original one, and there are marks on the bottom of the glass to prevent you from carefully selecting a car that has had an accident. When picking a second-hand car, you need to check whether there are any traces of gold on the left and right front ends of the engine compartment and the metal plates of the headlights. If there are wrinkles, it is usually an accident car. The same is true for the metal plates at the left and right rear ends of the tail box. I think the small scratches can basically be handled seamlessly. You can’t see it unless you observe very carefully, but in an accident such as a tire injury, you can’t repair it as long as you don’t change it.